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MOD Tax Refunds

Military Tax Refunds

If you’re a member of the armed forces or the Ministry of Defence (MOD), you may be entitled to claim a military tax refund for work-related, travel and mileage expenses dating back 4 years. Our Military tax refund service is designed specifically to help UK armed forces personnel reclaim tax on eligible expenses with ease. Let us guide you through the process of securing your tax refund and maximising your financial benefits.
In 2022 we have reclaimed over £23 million in tax rebates back from HMRC

Submit Your Claim

Do you work in lots of different locations to do your job and think you may be due a tax rebate? Well, find out whether you’re entitled to make a Tax claim by answering a few simple Tax-related questions below.

Armed Forces Tax Refunds - Claim Now!

Are you currently working in the Military or have recently retired? Do you think you may be due an Armed Forces tax refund? Find out in minutes whether you’re entitled to make a tax claim by answering a few simple questions below with our online form.

Ready To Make a Military Tax Rebate Claim? Here’s What You Need To Know

It’s not just travel expenses and mileage that you can claim back on, you can also receive a tax rebate on:
  • Food and drink on the go
  • Uniform maintenance (washing, repairing, or replacement)
  • Professional fees & subscriptions (such as Royal United Services Institute subscription fees)
  • Travel & mileage expenses
  • Various training including things like resettlement courses or pre/post deployment training
  • Mess dress
If you are unsure if any of these expenses might apply to you, feel free to get in touch with one of our Military tax rebate experts to answer your questions.
To start, you would need proof of identity such as a military ID, passport, or driving license and proof of address such as a bank statement or a utility bill. Tax refunds are available for all branches of the services, whether it is the Army, the Royal Navy (RN), or the Royal Air Force (RAF). Even if you have left military service, you can still claim if you were active in the last four years. Depending on what you are entitled to, you will require one/multiple items below to make a full claim:
  • Photo ID (military ID and/or driving license and/or passport)
  • Or, if you only have one of these you can provide proof of address (bank statement, utility bill, or tax bill)
  • P60 or payslip for each tax year you wish to claim for
  • List of bases, including dates you were there
  • Travel expenses

I live at home with my partner or parents.

As long as your home is your primary residence, you can claim for tax refunds. ​If your married quarters are on or off a military base but you spend your leave time there, this will be classed as your main residence. The refund will be calculated on the mileage between your workplace and your quarters. If you receive Home to Duty allowance (HTD) this could restrict your claim. We can check it against the limits, and if there is a shortfall, it can be made up.

I am married, and I live in married quarters.

​If your married quarters are on or off a military base but you spend your leave time there, this will be classed as your main residence. The refund will be calculated on the mileage between your workplace and your quarters. If you receive Home to Duty allowance (HTD) this could restrict your claim. We can check it against the limits, and if there is a shortfall, it can be made up.

I live in a British Army single living accommodation.

If you are living full-time at a British military base, you are unable to make a claim. If you live on a base on a part-time basis and leave for weekends or during your official leave time to another address, this then becomes your main residence. If you are already receiving the Get You Home Travel allowance (GYH), but it does not cover all of the travel expenses, you can claim to make up for the shortfall.

I am based outside of the UK on a British Military base.

If your base is outside of the UK on military bases in Germany or Cyprus, you can claim travel expenses from your UK residence. If your family (wife, husband, civil partner, or children) live with you on the base, this is most likely your main residence, and a claim is unlikely.

Still Have Questions About Our Military Tax Rebate Service?

How Far Back Can I Claim?

Current legislation in the UK says you can go back up to four tax years when you claim a Military tax refund. This means at the current moment in time you can claim for the following periods:
Effectively this means you can claim Tax relief from 6th April 2020.
A timeline graphic showing how far back you can claim a tax refund in the UK.

How Do I Claim Military Tax Refunds?

Easy! Let Swift Refunds do the hard work for you!

Claiming tax back directly from HMRC can involve serious number crunching and you really must know what you’re doing. For example, would you feel confident that you’re making the maximum claim? Would you feel comfortable knowing that an incorrect tax claim can mean that you could get fined and penalised?

Minimise the stress and let the experts handle your Military tax refunds. Contact us today if you have any questions.

Customer Stories

Do you travel for work?

You could be owed a tax refund of up to £2,000!
Don’t just take our word for it, Swift Refunds has helped thousands of mobile workers claim back what they are entitled to. Hear what some of our customers have to say about their experience with Swift!

Matt hayes, serving in the raf

“I got over £3000 back and went on holiday!“
I saw the SWIFT advert on Facebook and thought I would give it a go. I work in the aviation engineering industry and use my own car to travel to base camp. I was happy when I spoke to SWIFT Refunds who informed me I was due a tax rebate of over £3000! This was the easiest money I ever got back! I used the money to book myself a holiday to Mexico.
Matt Hayes – member of the RAF

Jack owens professional athlete and rugby player

“I had no idea you could go back four years for a bigger refund“ I found out about Swift Refunds from the commercial director of the rugby club. I got in touch with Sharon and Denise who did all the work for me. The communication was great and a few months later I got over £3000 on a four-year tax refund.
Jack Owens – Widnes Vikings rugby player.

How Long Do Armed Forces Tax Refunds Take?

The duration of the Armed Forces tax refund process can depend on these two factors:
How fast you can get the required information to Swift Refunds.
How busy HMRC are, which depends a lot on what time of the year it is.
The sooner you start a claim process, the better, as it can take 8-12 weeks for HMRC to process a tax refund.
As deadlines apply for making claims, we advise you to get in touch as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

Common Military Tax Refund Questions

Military tax refunds refer to the reimbursement of overpaid taxes by members of the armed forces. These refunds can arise due to various reasons, including:

  1. Tax Relief for Service-Related Expenses: Military personnel may incur expenses related to their duties—such as uniforms, equipment, and travel—that are not covered by their employer. The government provides tax relief for these expenses, and if you have been overtaxed due to these costs, you may be eligible for a refund.
  2. Wrong Tax Code: Sometimes, members of the military may find themselves on the wrong tax code, leading to higher than necessary deductions from their pay. Correcting this mistake can result in a tax refund.
  3. Tax Exemptions for Certain Allowances: Various allowances, such as operational allowances and certain benefits received during deployment, may not be subject to taxation. If these allowances were taxed, you could claim a refund for the overpaid amount.
  4. Specific Circumstances: Other factors like serving overseas or being deployed may also affect your tax status, leading to potential refunds if your tax obligations differ from those of standard taxpayers.

Military tax refunds are designed to ensure that members of the armed forces are not paying more tax than necessary, taking into account the unique nature of their service. If you believe you have overpaid your taxes, seek expert advice with our Military tax refund service.

Yes, members can claim a uniform tax rebate. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and HMRC have an agreement for automatic tax relief on uniform costs in your tax code. This means you may not need to file a claim, as it could be processed automatically. However, check your tax situation if you think you’ve overpaid or want maximum benefits. You may need documentation, like assignment orders and payslips, to support your claim. If you need help filing your Armed Forces tax refund claim, feel free to get in touch with our expert team for assistance.
The time it takes to receive your tax refund can vary based on several factors, including how you submit your claim and the complexity of your situation. With standard claims, it takes 8-12 weeks to process. For fast-track claims, it takes 6-8 weeks.

Claiming a tax refund directly through HMRC typically does not incur a fee. However, many individuals and businesses opt to use professional services, such as Swift Refunds, to ensure their claims are accurate and maximised. Our service does come with a fee, but we offer direct communication with HMRC, as a trusted point of contact, which means we have access to fast-track processing.

We understand that submitting a claim can be time-consuming, and even minor errors may result in additional costs. That’s why we provide a 100% Swift Guarantee. As long as the information you provide is complete and accurate if HMRC challenges the refund amount and requests repayment, we will cover the cost. This ensures peace of mind, knowing your claim is fully supported.