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Working From Home Tax Refund

Can I Claim Tax Back?

Have you been working from home at any point in the last few years? Well, find out whether you’re entitled to start a working from home tax refund claim by answering a few simple Tax related questions below.

Start your Claim Now

Just a few questions to find out if you’re entitled to make a working from home tax refund claim.

Customer stories

``I got over £3000 back and went on holiday!``

I saw the SWIFT advert on facebook and thought I would give it a go. I work in the aviation engineering industry and use my own car to travel to base camp. I was happy when I spoke to SWIFT Refunds who informed me I was due a tax rebate of over £3000! This was the easiest money I ever got back! I used the money to book myself a holiday to Mexico.

Matt Hayes, Chester

How do I claim a working from home tax refund?

Easy! Let Swift Refunds do the hard work you!

Claiming Tax back directly from HMRC can involve some serious number crunching and you really must know what you’re doing. For example, would you feel confident that you’re making the maximum claim. Would you feel comfortable knowing that an incorrect Tax claim can mean that you could get fined and penalised?

Let Swift refunds take the hassle out of your Tax rebate claim and contact us today.

How far back can i claim?

  • Current legislation in the UK says you can go back up to four Tax years when claiming a Tax rebate. This means at the current moment in time you can make a claim for the following periods:
    • Year ended 5th April 2020
    • Year ended 5th April 2021
    • Year ended 5th April 2022
    • Year ended 5th April 2023


    Effectively this means you can claim Tax relief from 6th April 2019.

    Over such a long period of time wage slips and p60s can be lost or misplaced. This isn’t a problem as you have lots of ways to obtain this information.


    • Contact your current/previous employers as they are legally obliged to keep your records going back 6 years and because of GDPR if your request that information they have to provide it to you.


    • You could log into your government gateway which is easy to set up if you have never done this.


    • Contact HMRC on 0300 200 3300 and request that they post out to you a tax history letter which usually arrives in 10 working days from when you request it from them and this tax history letter will go back 4 years.

How long does a tax claim take?

How long the tax takes to come back depends on two things:

  • How fast you can get the required information to Swift Refunds?
  • How busy HMRC are and this depends a lot on what time of the year it is.

April and January are the busiest months for HMRC where repayments can take over a month. During other times, however, it has been known for Tax claims to be credited within 11 days!

As deadlines apply for making claims, we advise you get in touch as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

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