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How to save money on your energy bills

How to save money on your energy bills

In 2022, on average, we may be paying over £300 more for our household energy bills. So, with National insurance on the rise, and energy prices increasing, how can we keep costs low whilst staying warm?


We have put together some top tips on how to save energy and some cash, whilst also reducing your carbon footprint. Of course, savings will vary according to property type and how your house is heated, but no matter what your property type is, you can still cut the costs by making small changes.



How can I reduce my water use?



How to save money on your water energy bilsDid you know spending just one minute less in the shower can save you up to £8 a year on your energy bill per person. With a water meter, this could save you an extra £13 off your yearly bill.


When brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing your face, remember to turn the tap off. A running tap uses more than five litres of water every minute.


Swap your bath for a shower. Swapping just one bath a week for a shower could save you £7 a year on your energy bills.


Next time you make a cup of tea or coffee, instead of overfilling the kettle and wasting the water you do not use, fill it with the amount you need. This would save you around £6 a year.




Switch up your lighting



How to save money on your electric energy billsBy changing to energy-efficient lights such as LEDs and replacing all bulbs throughout the house, you could save up to £40 a year.


Or an even easier way to save is to turn off lights when they are not being used or when you leave the room, always doing this could save up to £15 a year on energy bills.







Dial down the costs with a thermostat



How to save money on heating energy billsIf you do not already have one, installing a room thermostat could save you around £75 a year, more than half of the money spent on the average household bills goes towards heating and hot water.


Even just turning down your thermostat by one degree can save you around £60 off heating bills a year!








Save money on your energy bills and switch supplier



Save money on energy bills and switch supplier

If you are stuck on the same standard variable rate for your gas or electric bills, you could be missing out on a better deal elsewhere.


There are many price comparison websites to check out the competition, this could potentially help you save hundreds and lower your bill if you find a good deal.







Draught proof your home



draught proof your home Draught-proofing your home is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to save both energy and money in any type of property. Draught-proofing your home means blocking gaps that let any cold air in and let warm air out. Keeping the warm air in means you will be using less energy to heat your home, so you’ll be savings coins whilst staying cosy.


Draught-proofing your home around windows and doors could save you roughly £30 a year, if you draught-proof your open chimney when it is not being used this could save around £20 a year.




Get a tax refund to pay off a years energy bills

According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the UK spends about £113 a month on gas and electricity bills.

Adding up to £1,356 a year, which can be easily covered by an average tax refund of up to £2,500.


Check if you are owed a tax refund from HMRC here.